Uncertain Times II

Mixed media

Korean Independence March (03/01) – 1919


During the Japanese invasion, Imperial Japan had taken control of Korea that they eliminated all traces of Korean culture, language, and food. By force, Koreans were used endlessly from military forces to slaves. Yu Gwan Sun, a 16 year-old activist, gathered many Koreans to protest against Japan through the Korean Independence March on March 1st. With their Korean flags, also known as Taegeuki, they yelled “Manse! (Long live Korean Independence!)”


Amongst the streets of Korea, the flags are seen as an icon and a reminder of Korea’s declaration against Japan. Today, March 1st is celebrated as a national independence holiday. As an independent country, South Korea can still keep remembering their culture, language, and food.

*Won the Nancy Lee Rhodes Roberts Scholarship Award at the Society of Illustrators 2023*